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E-Commerce Marketing & Importance of Professional Product Photography

Every e-commerce brand is unique. You have developed something that defines you and you love it enough to be offering it to the world. Let's be smart about putting your best IMAGE forward!

In 2021, e-commerce sales are expected to account for 18.1 percent of retail sales worldwide.

It’s growing so quickly that it’s expected to make up a whopping 22.0 percent of retail sales worldwide by 2023. With that said, you KNOW images are key!

One fourth of marketers are investing in content marketing related to product promotions while just over 20% of investing in branded storytelling specifically. (getting my stats from hubspot - link below).

49% of marketers rate visual marketing as Very Important to their marketing strategy, and 22% consider it Important, and 19% say that their strategy is nothing without visual content. (Venngage)

I highly recommend that you get professional product photography done before launching any major online marketing campaign. In most cases, you've already designed and developed a website and it is out there for all the world to see. At this point, not investing in professional photography is like building a house from scratch and asking your neighbor's kids to paint it for you. LOL

In short, if you’re trying to sell something online, it’s an absolute necessity that you showcase your goods in the best light possible.

75% of Online Shoppers Rely on Product Photos When Deciding on a Potential Purchase

81 percent of consumers conduct online research before making a purchase online

Remember, the ability to research purchases is one of the key reasons people shop online instead of in-store. Provide shoppers with detailed and accurate product pages that answer any and every question shoppers may have.

Reasons it's hard to beat professional photography

Professionals Will Use Better Lighting. Period.

They know what to do and the equipment needed to do it. You might overlook things like unbecoming shadows, color casting, and distracting elements in DIY photos.

Professionals Will Ensure All Catalog Product Shots Feature Consistent and Clean Backgrounds

If you are selling different collections for each season or holiday you want them to look consistent! If you take the pictures yourself and mix it in with stock images or grabbed someone's images from the internet (copyright infringement) there won't be consistency and that is a turn off. All year round your image collections will be clean and uniform.

Professionals Are Savvy and Efficient Editors

It takes some know how to style and edit product pictures. Make sure your photographer has experience or a portfolio to show you their work before you assume they can produce what you need.

DIY Professional Edit

Professionals Will Capture a Number of Different Views

They have done the research and can quickly and efficiently take the appropriate angles and viewpoints for your products.

Professionals Can Set Up Styled Photo shoots to Provide Visual Cues and Context in Relation to Your Products

If you are a chef or a hairstylist, you are not expected to be an interior designer and photographer. Leave it to the pros to style your products professionally. You have your talents, and we have ours.

Many Professionals Are “Flat Lay” Specialists

I've actually studied this flat lay thing and know exactly what to do to get the perfect shots to represent brand aesthetic.

Hi-Res Professional Photos Are Great for Product Zooms

A high-resolution JPEG is a graphics file format that compresses more data into available pixels providing an image with less loss. This JPEG format works best with photographs and detail-filled artist renderings, because it preserves more of the original work. BORING.....I know.

Basically, if you need to print the picture, throw it into a commercial, or slap it on a billboard it needs to be the right size.

You can't make the sale if you zoom into a picture on the web and get blurry images. Hi-res and appropriate web sizes are essential.

Let's Do This!

If you are looking for a product and personal branding photographer, I serve in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans area. I have experience and training in all things lighting, styling, and personal branding. I would love to work with you on a regular basis to create the storytelling aesthetic that builds trust in your brand.

I offer custom quotes to meet your unique branding needs. Consultation calls are free! Don't wait, let's talk!

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